Ministries for the Adults
Small Groups
Get plugged in to one of our small groups that take place on a monthly basis. These are special times of fellowship, study, and prayer on a more personal level.
Ladies Prayer
On the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month; the ladies meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. for a time of prayer.
Men's Breakfast
Once a month on a scheduled Saturday; men get together at 8:00 a.m. for a time of eating, fellowshipping, Bible study, and prayer.
Ladies Bible Study
The ladies Bible Study meets on Tuesday nights as scheduled to study books of the Bible. Past studies have included the book of Judges, and Philippians.
Evengelism Projects & Outings
From putting together "blessing bags" for the homeless to managing the GBC booth at local marketplace events, these are special outings that are organized to help reach our community for Christ.
Sunday School Bible Study
Our early service begins at 9:30 AM with an in-depth verse-by-verse study of God's Word. We allow time at the end for questions and followup discussion. After the Bible Study there is a time for fellowship and refreshments just prior to the Worship Service. On 5th Sundays, we focus on prayer, with a short devotional and a time of corporate prayer.
Morning Worship Service
Our Sunday worship service begins at 10:45 AM. It consists of singing (traditional & contemporary hymns), Scripture reading, prayer, and verse-by-verse exegetical teaching and preaching of God's Word. Our emphasis is always to know and honor the Lord Jesus Christ in all we do!
Evening Bible Studies
Pastor Jim Bryant presents timely Bible studies on scheduled Sunday Evenings at 6:00 p.m. Bible Studies have included the book of Daniel, The book of Revelation and the book of Zechariah, focused on prophecy and eschatology.
Wednesday Night Prayer
On the first and third Wednesday nights of each month, we meet for a short Bible study and a time of corporate and personal prayer.